Why KO Fit?
As Marky Mark once said in the movie Pain & Gain "I believe in fitness." And I couldn't have said it better myself.
We believe in fitness. We believe in everything that a healthy lifestyle entails. We believe that moving your body is one of the most important things in this world. It's never too late, you're not too broken, you aren't dead yet.
Our motto is:
Move Good.
Feel Good.
Look Good.
In that order.
And we believe in that.
Get To Know KO FIT
Gabrielle & Kevin Osterson
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Moving good is the basis of everything in life. Being able to move your body is a blessing. Being strong in movement is something to be proud of. Building mobility and strength in movement will make you better in nearly every aspect of your life. Hobbies, work, parenting, you name it and having a strong capable body improves it. Moving good, being confident in your body and its abilities are the basis of everything else at KO Fit. This is the most important piece of them all, without this, the rest are far less valuable.
Once we teach the body how to move properly, then we can begin to feel good in our movement. Motion is lotion when it comes to the body. It is designed to be moved and, like most things in life, if you take care of your body it will last a whole lot longer. Feeling strong and confident in our bodies ability to move is an incredibly satisfying feeling. One that I think everyone should strive for in their life.
Look Good has two very distinct points:
1) You should love the body you have even if you want to improve on it.
-You will never love the body you get until you love the body you have.
2) A traditionally "good looking" physique is a byproduct of moving good and feeling good and fueling good. How you look shouldn't be the main goal because bodies are ever changing. Your weight will fluctuate, how you feel about your body will be up and down at times, likely in the same day. But if you take a look back at point #1, you'll see that you should love your body no matter what. It's the only one you get and it's capable of incredible things.